Today with high levels of generalized stress by the population it becomes more necessary for the mental and physical health of people to be able to "disconnect" occasionally and enjoy nature, Friends or just a day free of worries or dislikes. Moreover, considering how fast the rhythms of our professional and work lives have become. The mere fact of leaving our environment, or our comfort zone in search of new experiences, new sensations and memories, already results in a form of psychological and physical self-care, a form of healing and therapy of our being. P >
And although we have already defined the travel act ( tourism as a form of therapy ), in the sense that allows us to disconnect with the routine of our professional lives and get in touch, many times, with nature, culture, and the people who are part of the original communities of the sectors to visit, as a way by which to improve our state of physical and metal health. Also the tourist activity has been developing and perfecting over the years (together with various physical and psychological health professionals) specific techniques, itineraries and therapeutic activities, thus becoming "therapeutic tourism".
As many innovations and / or current practices therapeutic tourism has multiple definitions, Spanish authors such as Sánchez-Zapata (2006; p. 8), for example, argue that "tourism health is to go to a center where a series of techniques are offered to improve and balance the state of health and well-being and / or recover health. ”San José Arango (2003: 15) argues that health tourism is" ... a fortunate expression that refers, fundamentally, to leisure combined with natural therapies based on the curative use of water, climate, massage, dietetics and physical exercise. "Or, therapeutic recreation: the specialized application of recreation with the specific purpose of intervening and changing some physical, emotional or social behaviors to promote the growth and development of the individual.Therapeutic recreation can be seen as a process of systematic use of activity. dades and recreational experiences to achieve specific objectives ”(Carter, Van Andel & Robb, 1985). As we can see, what all these definitions have in common is the use of physical and emotional climate change in order to produce positive changes in people's mental and physical health.
So what about the development of therapeutic tourism in Iquique, in the Tarapacá region? While it is not difficult to find therapeutic cutting activities in the city, whether in the form of yoga therapies, reiki, aromatherapy, massages, etc. There is still much to move forward in the use of natural and cultural resources in order to complement and enrich these therapies.
As for the sectors of the region, it is blessed by hot springs, especially the hot springs of Chusmiza , located at 3,600 meters above sea level, these thermal pools have an average temperature of 42 degrees, and being in the highlands also the experience is accompanied by beautiful landscape of the sector.
Another of the hot springs that can be found in the region are those of Enquelga , located in the commune of Colchane, at a height of 3,700 meters above sea level presenting temperatures of about 30 degrees on average. These waters allow relaxation and again the landscape of the place works wonders in terms of feeling peace and relief from everyday stress.